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Asked Questions

What is Biodiversity Solutions International?

Biodiversity Solutions International (BSI) is the SaaS brand of Endangered Wildlife OÜ (registry code 14676379, address Juhkentali tn 8, 10132 Tallinn, Estonia). Endangered Wildlife OÜ (EW) is a Tech4Good SaaS company.

What is biodiversity value?

The biodiversity value is an independent statistical valuation of either an individual species or an ecosystem based on an umbrella species. The valuation consists of a combination of environmental and economic factors that cumulatively generate a total value for the species. It is a real but intangible market value created by the species or ecosystem.

What is the biodiversity impact value?

The biodiversity impact value is the change in biodiversity value of a species or ecosystem as a result of active environmental management. The impact value published on the BSI website is the value that we calculate the project creates through its activities.

What biodiversity projects do we list on our platform?

EW’s objective for species of conservation concern is to assist in the prevention of extinction due to anthropogenic causes of any of the species on the IUCN’s Red List. Before listing a project on our platform, a vetting process that includes both environmental and governance due diligence is carried out.

EW endeavours to establish conservation efforts of other threatened species or lower taxonomic divisions, including considering recommendations of experts of invertebrate taxa for which no formal red listing has been done, according to a realistic framework. Except in crucial instances for the survival of globally critically endangered species, management for system integrity and biodiversity must take precedence over species management. Projects will be evaluated on criteria that will include, but are not exclusive to:

  • Species rarity and/or population vulnerability, according to red listing;
  • Species role in ecosystem – is it a keystone species;
  • The broader regional biodiversity goals and conservation needs – extent of occurrence;
  • Project contribution to natural functioning and long-term persistence of ecosystems – relative endemicity;
  • Project contribution to the representativeness of biodiversity that promotes resilience and ecosystem integrity;
  • Project intervention in ecosystems responsibly and sustainably by complementing natural processes with a minimum interference approach or philosophy;
  • Species’ taxonomic distinctiveness;
  • Genetic threats to species – inbreeding and/or hybridisation;
  • Species’ susceptibility to illegal harvesting;
  • Project contribution to meta-population management of species of conservation concern;
  • Nature of threat and chance of success (reversibility) of the project;
  • Success of project’s historical conservation efforts potentially having a negative effect on other species or biodiversity elements;
  • Project management plan;
  • Project adherence to National and International applicable legislation of the country/countries the project operates in.
What is a professional investor?

As per the laws of the Republic of Estonia, an experienced or “qualified” investor is defined as:

1) a credit institution, investment firm, management company, investment fund, insurance undertaking and another financial institution subject to financial supervision;
2) the Republic of Estonia, a foreign state, a regional government or the central bank of Estonia or a foreign state;
3) an international institution or organisation;
4) a financial institution engaged solely in securities investment or trading in commodities and commodity derivatives;
5) a large enterprise, which meets two of the following criteria:
5.1) the total balance sheet value exceeds EUR 20 million;
5.2) the net turnover exceeds EUR 40 million;
5.3) the equity value exceeds EUR 2 million
6) other professional clients not specified above or a person who is considered a professional client or an eligible counterparty pursuant to the current legislation of another country.

How do I open an account?

To open an account please Register.

How do I delete an account?

If you want to close an account, please select Delete Profile or contact us.

Another question?

If you have any other questions, please contact us.


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